Canadian citizenship applications: To qualify to obtain Canada Citizenship through naturalization, applicant must satisfy all these requirements:
18 years of age; to apply for a child under 18: applicant must be child’s parent, the child must be permanent resident and one parent must be Canadian citizen or applying for citizenship at the same time.
applicant must have filled income tax returns in four taxation years that are fully or partially within the six years immediately before the date of your application;
have physically present in Canada as permanent resident for at least 1460 days during the preceding six years;
if applicant is 14 to 64 years of age must have adequate knowledge of English or French;
if applicant is 14 to 64 years of age you must take a citizenship test to show adequate knowledge of Canada and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship;
declare your intent to reside in Canada during the citizenship application process;
not have unfulfilled conditions related to your PR status;
not be under removal order; and
not have a criminal prohibition.
Permanent resident card replacement applications
Canadian travel document applications
Passport applications
If you are interested, you may contact us at 778-881-6409 or send an email to Navdeep Rampal at for more information